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July 13, 2008

So, the pictures are terrible- but we were laughing SO hard, this was the best I could manage!
The kids just love to hear stories about when Chris and I were little, so one time right before Nonni came for this most recent visit, I was telling them how Nonni taught me to blow bubbles with gum. Well, of course they wanted to learn from Nonni also! So we went to the store and hunted for the best bubble-blowing gum we could find… remember Hubba Bubba?!
It was hilarious! You just don’t remember how HARD it can be to figure out how to blow bubbles until you watch (and try to TEACH) someone else learning and doing it for the first time. We had a couple of good attempts, but the kids quickly decided they needed more practice and that it would be more fun to pop Mama and Nonni’s bubbles instead!
Sometimes we put so much effort into creating special activities and plans for our children, but then are reminded that it’s more often the spontaneous moments like these that really stick out in our minds and their memories, you know?

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